- A & A Rentals A & E Products
- A & S Building Systems
- AAA Rental Center
- Aetna Industries
- Active Moving & Storage
- Adcom Wire Co.
- Airco Industrial Gases
- Amed
- Americas Export Corp.
- American Tank & Culvert
- Armco Steel, Inc.
- Armstrong World
- Artesian Industries
- Auto Zone Stores Automated Packaging System
- BFI Waste Systems
- Batesville Casket Co.
- Bearings, Inc.
- Bethel Buildings, Inc.
- Bird Dog Aviation
- Brass Craft Manufacturing
- Buffalo Hilton Hotel
- Butler Aviation
- C & E Stores
- Cardox Corporation
- Carter Automotive Co., Inc.
- Central Transport
- Chalk-Line
- Chesapeake Bay Assoc.
- City of Gainesville
- Coastal Coca-Cola Bottling
- Cobb County Schools
- Consolidated Freightways
- Constructors & Assoc.
- Correct Craft
- Desa International
- Dixie Precision Manufacturing Co.
- Dowell-Schlumberger
- Eastern Coatings, Inc.
- Elston-Richards, Inc.
- Fairmont Supply
- FL Coca-Cola Bottling Co.
- Florida Steel Corp.
- General Dynamics
- Georgia Pacific Corp.
- Goodwill Industries
- Graybar Electric Co.
- Guildford Tennis Center
- Town of Hammonton
- Hardwicke Chemical Company
- Helena Chemical Company
- Hoescht Fibers Industry
- Hughes Supply Corp.
- Indianapolis Airport Authority
- Ithaca Industries, Inc.
- C.H. James & Co.
- City of Jacksonville
- Johnson Controls
- Kenan Transport Co.
- Korte Construction Co.
- Leviton Manufacturing Co.
- Liquid Air Corp.
- A & A Transfer & Storage
- A & M Realty
- AAA Rentals, Inc
- AAA Tool & Machine Co.
- Ackerman Chacco Co, Inc.
- Adams Building Systems
- Advance Design & Construction
- Allied Tool Supply
- American Building Co.
- American Olean Tile Co.
- Amoco Oil Co.
- Armco Building Systems
- Armstrong / E & B Carpets
- Aspen Hills Racquet Club
- Avco Aerostructures
- Ball Zinc Products
- Baton Rouge Beverage Wholesale Co.
- Bell of Pennsylvania
- Beverley Hills Racquet Club
- Blue Ridge Airport Authority
- Brush Wellman Corp.
- Bundy Corp.
- Butler Manufacturing Co.
- Caldor
- Carolina Freight
- Caskie Paper Co.
- Century Building Systems
- Charlotte Motor Speedway
- Cherry Hill Racquet Club
- Clabell Management
- Coca-Cola Company
- Con-Agra, Inc.
- Construcciones Paquete
- Cooper Enterprises
- Crane CorTec
- Dixie Bearings, Inc.
- Dow Chemical Company
- E.I. du Pont de Nemours
- Edgecomb Metals
- Emery Worldwide
- Fenton Construction Co.
- Flexsteel Industries, Inc.
- GTE Products
- General Electric Company
- Georgia Sample Book Co.
- Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.
- Greenville Steel Construction
- H.S. Williams Co., Inc.
- Hanover Shoes, Inc.
- Harris Corporation
- Hoechst Celanese-Poly Division
- Hooker Furniture
- Indiana Bell Telephone Co.
- Irwin Manufacturing
- JFG Coffee
- Jimbo's Jumbos, Inc.
- Jacques Miller, Inc.
- K-Mart Corporation
- Klein Tool Co.
- L & L Builders
- Libertyville Tennis Club
- Lowes
- Marmon / Keystone
- Mead Containers
- Metal Building Repair Service
- Modern Globe
- N.C. Foam Industries, Inc.
- NAPA Warehouse
- Overnite Transportation
- Page & Associates
- Pelican Companies
- People's Drug
- Phillip Morris
- Precision Pump Co.
- Preston Trucking Co.
- Ravenswood Aluminum
- R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.
- Rohr Industries
- Rubbermaid Specialty Poducts
- Ryder Truck Rental, Inc.
- Santee Cooper
- Schwab Safe Co., Inc.
- Sealy Mattress Co.
- Service Supply Co.
- S
- Shirley Pewter Shops
- Southeast Railing Co., Inc.
- Sperry Metal Buildings
- Sonoco Products Co.
- Tennessee Steel Processor
- Trane Service First
- Trenton State College
- Tyson Foods, Inc.
- Union Camp
- United Refining Co.
- Versch Lock Mfg. Co., Inc
- Whayne Supply
- Wellington Leisure
- Westmoreland Co.
- Worthington Industries
- Yellow Freight Systems
- Louisville Lumber
- Manassas Municipal Airport
- Marathon Petroleum
- Mead Paperboard products
- Modern Electric Supply
- Moore's
- NAPA Parts Store
- North Florida Shipyard
- Owens Corning
- Parkline, Inc.
- Pepsi Cola Bottling Co.
- People's Gas / A-CNG Co.
- Pleasurecraft Marine Co.
- Premier Meats
- Public Storage
- R-C Steel Building Systems
- Rental Uniform Service
- Royal Crown Cola
- Rudolf / Libbe Industries
- Sabin Robbins
- Schonsheck, Inc.
- Sea-Island Service
- Sears Merchandise Group
- Shell Oil Co.
- Short Freight Lines
- Southern Auto Auction
- Star Paper Tube
- Terramite
- Thrall Car Manufacturing
- Transamerican Propertiesv J.M. Tull Metals Co., Inc.
- Union Boiler Co.
- Union Carbide Corp.
- United Telephone Co. of Ohio
- Vulcan Materials
- W.R. Grace Co.
- Wellington Puritan Mills
- Wickes Lumber
- Worthington Steel
- Yonkers Tennis Center